Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today I wanted to share with you an experience I had last week.  I think we can all admit there are days where we feel unmotivated; maybe deflated; or discouraged.  While, I was experiencing one of these days last week.  I was trying my best to not let these thoughts and feelings in....not let them take over my day.  I know "I have control over the outcome of my day."  So on my way to share the opportunity I decided I needed to 'smile'.  So 'smile' I did!  I smiled during the entire 10 -15 minute drive it took me to get where I was going.  Wow! What a difference in how it made me feel. I continued smiling, when I got out of the car to walk to where I was going.  People smiled back at me.  I felt so much better and continued to do so for the rest of the day.  I have also found through my experiences that when I am making calls that if I smile while I am speaking it comes through in your conversation.  You just sound happier!  People enjoy speaking to you.  People like to associate themselves with happy people. I read on a bookmark a clerk at the secondhand book store gave me ....

"Smile awhile---and while you smile another smiles! And soon there are miles of smiles and life's worth while because you smile!" ---Unknown

Have a happy week!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Enjoy the Journey

Wow! Where did the month of February go?  My last post was at the end of January and I spoke about staying committed. Not to give up. Well I would like to emphasize that point. My husband Roy and I share a passion for the outdoors.  We spend as much time as we can cross country skiing in the winter. Roy has been a cross country ski coach for our daughters and many other youth through out the years. Our daughters moved on from the sport but Roy continues to coach whenever he can, and we both continue to ski.  The last 3-4 years I have not skied as often as I wished due to many other commitments, but managed to get out 1-2 times a week this winter (the occasional 3).  Roy & I had not gone for many long distance ski outings this year.  However, we still signed on for the Cariboo Goldrush (x-country ski) Marathon in 100 Mile House, BC, mid-February.  Roy registered for 30km and I registered for 20km.  I did not get out skiing before the event as I discovered I had done something to the top of my foot which was swollen & sore.  I needed to rest it, as I was not backing out of the Marathon. Many of our friends were looking forward to seeing us and we were looking forward to participating.
On Feb. 12, 2011, we were in the start area of the Marathon by 9am.  Off we went, each skiing at our own pace.  I knew I needed all the energy I could muster to finish 20 km! My first goal was to break away from the pack (and all those I knew)....I could not chat & ski 20km!  Then the competitiveness in me began to rise...I had to finish it and I did not want to be last...or ski over the finish line at dusk! Ha!Ha!  I began to feel the burn and stiffness creep into my legs with every hill I climbed...I was only half way. "I can do this," I told myself.  "Don't push it...enjoy the journey...look at the beauty of nature surrounding you." The last 5km felt hard..I was tired, stiff, and slowing down.  "Don't give up. Come on", I told myself..."You can do this!"  I took my mind off how tired I was and focused on how good it will feel to come over the finish line!  Soon I could see the stadium and hear the spectators.  I am going to finish my 20 km! Yes, it was a great feeling of accomplishment and a lesson to learn...
One can do anything they put their mind to! Focus on the good things not on the negative. Do not rush things...sometimes you must slow down and take smaller steps to reach your goal. Do not give up. Stay committed and enjoy the journey!

"Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second."  ~William James

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stay Committed

Well here we are...the last day of January, 2011.  At the end of December, 2010, you wrote your goals down for the year and maybe for the month of January. If you did not write them down, you know in your heart, what you want to accomplish in 2011.  I hope you wrote them down.  This helps solidify them...make them more real for you and the universe. It is good to have monthly goals...steps to reaching those yearly goals.  This keeps you in constant action.  Take action towards your goals every day. Keep your dreams alive.  Some days you may find the time flies by, but be sure to do something, anything, to take you closer to your goals.  Baby steps are better than no steps at all.  Stay committed and don't give up.  You will feel better for it and you will find that those baby steps every day, take you that much closer to success by the end of the month.
I write down 4 goals for each month. I try to make each goal for a different area in my life. For, financial, business, personal, spiritual...  These monthly goals are ones which will ultimately earn success for my yearly goals. Then I write down an action plan. After that some affirmations and DO NOT forget to write down two rewards.  One for achieving your monthly goals and one for accomplishing your action plans.  This is important!  It drives the success into your mind, your spirit & your body for permanent strength.  This will help build momentum for the next task.  Celebrate those baby steps! That is action taken.  You may have not reached your monthly goals, but you accomplished your action plan. Celebrate that you accomplished your action plan!  Maybe you will need more action then you thought to reach your are taking action...success will come.
Now after writing all this down...sign it! Commit to it and post it where you will see it every day.  I post them on the wall above my desk and I look at them every day.  It helps me keep focused. 
So write down your goals, action plan, & rewards. Stay committed.  Take those baby steps...soar like an eagle...keep on flappin' those wings! You can fly!